Some Sass

Some Sass is a language server extension for Visual Studio Code. It brings improved code suggestions, documentation and code navigation for SCSS.

Some features include:

  • Full support for @use and @forward, including aliases, prefixes and hiding.
  • Workspace-wide code navigation and refactoring, such as Rename Symbol.
  • Rich documentation through SassDoc.
  • Language features for %placeholders, both when using them and writing them.

Get the extension

You can find the extension here:

See the User guide section to learn more about what the extension can do.

Some Sass Language Server

Some Sass is also a language server using the Language Server Protocol (LSP).

The language server is published on npm, and can be used with any editor that has an LSP client. See Getting started to learn more.

To navigate between pages you can click the arrow buttons, press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard, or use the sidebar menu.

To search click the magnifying class icon to the top left or press s on your keyboard.