Hover info

This document describes the hover information given by Some Sass.

Symbol information

When you hover over a symbol Some Sass shows a preview of the declaration and the name of the file where it is declared. Things get more interesting when you add SassDoc though.

SassDoc documentation

If a symbol is documented with SassDoc, the documentation is shown in the hover information like how you might see JSDoc. This is especially helpful if you have a core set of utility functions and mixins, or if you use a Sass library provided by a third party.

/// Calculate a responsive size value relative to a given screen size
/// Will return a CSS rule that corresponds to the given pixel size at
/// the given screen size and scales with changes in screen size
/// @param {Number} $px-size - Size to calculate from, in px without unit
/// @param {Number} $screen-width - Screen width to calculate from, in px without unit, default 1400
/// @param {Number} $screen-height - Screen height to calculate from, in px without unit, default 900
/// @return {Number} - Input expressed as a responsive value
@function relative-size($px-size, $screen-width: 1400, $screen-height: 900) {
	// ...

Screenshot showing hover info for a function named relative-size. There's a description of what the function does. There's a list of three parameters of type Number, two of them shown with default values and each with a description.

Sass built-ins

Hover information for Sass built-ins include links to the reference documentation.

Screenshot showing hover info for the floor function. The information reads Rounds down to the nearest number and includes a link titled Sass reference.

SassDoc annotations

Hover information for Sassdoc annotations link to the reference documentation.

Screenshot showing hover info for @param in a SassDoc block. @param and a link to SassDoc reference.